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Found 4094 results for any of the keywords revised standards. Time 0.014 seconds.
Quality Management | IAASBThe IAASB has raised the bar for quality management. Three new and revised standards strengthen and modernize the audit firm’s approach to quality management. Through the standards, the IAASB is addressing an evolving an
Revised 508 Standards and 255 GuidelinesThe U.S. Access Board is a federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards for the built environmen
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) | The HCPCWe are a regulator of health and care professions in the UK. Our role is to protect the public. By law, people must be registered with us to work in the UK
Resources | The HCPCTotal number of registrants for the HCPC Register, broken down by profession and application route to registration (1 December 2024).
About us | The HCPCHow we operate and the important development work we want to achieve to progress our corporate strategy
Corporate governance | The HCPCThe rules and orders that underpin our organisation
Equality, diversity and inclusion | The HCPCWe intend that everybody should be equally able to access our services and be treated fairly and supported when doing so
Insights and data | The HCPCInformation on our registrants, including breakdown by profession
What we do | The HCPCHow we operate and the important development work we want to achieve to progress our corporate strategy
Who we are | The HCPCThe Council has overall responsibility for protecting people using registrants' services
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